Thursday, April 24, 2014


I'm so excited. You have no idea. I got the job through a cousin of mine who works there and I just sent off my resume and they gave me an interview and then they gave me the job!
AAHHH!! I'm going to be the best office assistant any of them has ever seen. I'm going to kick butt.
I sort of feel like an adult. Which is weird. This morning I enrolled for classes next fall, and then this summer I start my big girl job in an office with fancy clothes (I need to go shopping for some of those...) and I FEEL LIKE A REAL LIVE ADULT AND IT'S SO WEIRD.
I'm not sure if I like it yet.
But, yeah! That's my big news. Big girl job. As soon as I got out of the interview and they told me I had it I called my parents and my grandparents and texted people and was generally kind of obnoxious about it BUT I DON'T CARE. I FEEL MILDLY SELF SUFFICIENT. (Mom, if you're reading this, that doesn't mean I don't need you or the money that you provide to put me through college. I LOVE YOU MOMMY.)
So that's all I got. I'm just very excited.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Adult Easter

My father has informed me that we will not be having an Easter egg hunt this year. This is the first year in the history of my life that I will not be getting an Easter egg hunt. I was in hysterics when he told me.

He said it's because we were really mean.
For the last few years we haven't had "traditional" candy hunts. Instead, he would buy us each a big present (I usually got a new Coach purse) and then would hide clues in eggs and we would have to find our big present at the end. BUT THE CLUES WERE SO HARD. IT WOULD TAKE HOURS. And then big brother and I would get really frustrated and start being really mean because WE COULDN'T FIND OUR THING and dad says that he doesn't want to have to go through that kind of emotional abuse again.
I'm so sad.
But he was such a good hider! They were really hard clues and I'm a very competitive person and I wanted to beat the boys and after three hours of searching and trying to decipher some REALLY difficult/vague clues you would probably get abusive too!

So no Easter egg hunt. I know I'm a freshman in college but I still want a hunt.

Also, it sucks when you can start to buy your own Easter candy at the store because it's like the magic is gone. It used to be that I wouldn't be able to have a cadbury creame egg until Easter Sunday when I found it in the hunt. But now I can just drive to Walmart and buy 15 of them. The magic is done. Being an adult sucks.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Kernels of Philosophy

I have a very deep, philosophical question that I would like to pose for you tonight.

Is it better to have a small amount of unburnt popcorn, or a large amount of burnt popcorn?

I ask this because tonight, I decided to pop a bag of kettle corn. Just a bit of background: I love kettle corn. It is my favorite. I know so many people who hate kettle corn and will always only eat that mediocre buttery stuff. So anyway, I was popping it and such and listening for the length between pops, because that's how my mother taught me how to judge when it's done and then it got to the point where pops were still happening, but they were getting further apart, but then I was getting worried about if the rest of it was going to burn, but what if it wasn't burnt and I pulled it out early and only had half a bag or popcorn? Because everybody knows that you can't put popcorn back in the microwave, because that just doesn't work.
This is a very serious issue that I am worrying about.


Monday, April 7, 2014

should I really post this?

So two friends and I went shopping this evening (Plato's Closet) and it was very fun. WHICH IS SO WEIRD BECAUSE I ACTUALLY HATE SHOPPING. Like, I hate it. Seriously. It's exhausting, and it takes forever, and I feel fat in everything I try on. But that last bit is probably just because I live in America and in America most girl feel fat in everything. Which sucks. But anyway, we went, and we even had that stereotypical changing room montage where we all come out in our outfits that we try on and it's like we're in a nineties chick flick. And I found these really jeans and when we getting ready to go and I was talking about them and the guy who ran the changing rooms was like, "The Levis? You gettin' the Levis?" And I had to dig through everything to find them and confirm that yes, they were the Levis, and then he said, "Good, cause those were a good choice. Those looked niiice." And he pulled the word nice out really long in a funny way. But I felt very affirmed. And I told him so. I said, "Thank you for that lovely positive affirmation." And he smiled at me. It was a very nice trip. I got some really cute, versatile tops that will be lovely for these upcoming summer months. If summer ever actually shows up. It appears that there is no real guarantee.

I cannot believe I just did a blog post about shopping. How completely white-girl of me. And it is slightly disgusting. Please forgive me. This will not happen again.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Note to the World

If you intend to drive through or around a college campus, be wary. College students have no sense of self-preservation when it comes to cars and will walk right out in front of a massive semi-truck without a second glance, forcing said truck to slam on the breaks, lest be responsible for creating a college-student size splat on the concrete.
Our thought process is along the lines of, "Hey. Go ahead and hit me. Go ahead and pay for my tuition. I dare you."
You've been warned.


Thursday, March 20, 2014


I have this super awkward pain in my back, way up high right between my shoulder blades.
My friend Katie is making fun of me because when I move certain ways I let out this sad little squeak of pain. I'm so pathetic.
I asked her if maybe I have a spinal tumor and she just looked at me and said, "no".

She's going to be really sorry if I do.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014


So I'm taking this 'Critical Approaches to Literature' class.
It's basically the weirdest thing ever on this earth. It's all about the 'theory' behind literature and we have these discussions in which we're supposed to analyze, but they always end up going way to far and I always end up sitting there thinking, no, the author didn't mean that. Too far! Back up!
But anyway, we have to watch a lot of movies for this class. We had to watch Fight Club, and Rear Window, and the Truman Show. Currently a friend from class (Katie, she's the bomb. And she brought snacks) is watching a silent film called 'Metropolis' with me. It was released in 1927 and it's black and white and SO TOTALLY MESSED UP. We have no idea what's going on. Plus all of the little word interludes are in German so that makes us even more confused. Luckily, she spent most of her life oversees in German speaking countries like Austria and Serbia and she's still taking German in college so we sort of have some sort of idea as to what's going on. IT'S SO WEIRD. It's kind of like a dystopian society with a huge disconnect between the elite and the working class and this dude just witnessed a huge factory explosion and then he hallucinated all of these workers being sacrificed to the machine god (or at least that's what we called it) and of course he fell in love with this working class girl, but he's super rich and his father is like the leader of the world and it's basically AMAZING that we're understanding any of this because it is so weird and so confusing and the men wore so much make up. Also the main dude has these awesome poofy short pants and his tie is tucked into his belt and they just have fantastic facial expressions.

I've decided that silent films are my calling. Just watching them. Watching silents films is my calling in life.

Except the only problem is that I can't multitask because I actually have to be watching at all times. I'm a big multitasker. Hence why I'm blogging as I watch.

The German subtitle things scroll by really fast and Katie isn't fluent.
