Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I slept in a hallway for an hour today. And it really wasn't all that uncomfortable.

I was sent this photo by the jerk from my French class sitting across from me.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Psychological Experiments

So you've all heard of Pavlov's dogs right? The guy who would ring a bell every time he fed his dogs and over time every time he rang the bell they would salivate, whether he was feeding them of not. Then there's 'The Office' version in which Jim trains Dwight to expect an altoid every time he shut down his computer. WELL I HAVE BEGUN MY OWN EXPERIMENT. AND IT IS SUCCEEDING.
So my cousin Carol (whom I live with) has this issue where she says "true story bro" ALL THE FREAKING TIME. And I have expressed to her how much I disapprove and hate this. So about two weeks ago I started slapping her every time she said it. No matter where we were or what was happening. (I was even forced to hit her in church once). And she just admitted to me a few minutes ago that's ITS WORKING. She is consciously repressing using those three words when she's around me to avoid getting slapped. She says she hates that it's working but she has no choice but to admit that it is.
I feel so accomplished and kick. ass.
So be prepared. I may begin conducting sociological experiments on random people. You've been warned.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Mystery of the Roses

Okay. Mystery time.

So today between the hours of noon and 12:30 someone left a dozen roses in front of the door to my apartment. We have all asked out respective friends and parents and none of them claim credit. It's driving us crazy. Here are several reasons why.
1. Under normal circumstances the flowers would be delivered to the clubhouse and then we would be contacted and told to get them there
2. We live in a building the requires a card to gain entrance
3. None of us can think of any plausible reason why someone would leave us flowers
4. There is no card with the flowers
So, after a few hours of insanity, Niki (the roommate who is the RA) went to the clubhouse and got access to the security cameras.
The perpetrator managed to keep their face averted from the camera the entire time, but based on the hair, we have come to the conclusion that I it is a girl I will call 'Annie' who lives in our building. But this then begs the question, why would a random girl in our building leave us flowers. We suspect that someone asked her to deliver them because she has access to our building. We then ventured to her room and knocked on the door, intending to question her further. Unfortunately, no one was home. We are now sitting in our room with the door propped open, watching for her or any of her roommates so that we can interrogate them on the 'Mystery of the Roses'. (We're still working on a more clever code name.)

Not a YOLO.

Last night Carol and I went for a midnight ice cream run and had to go to four different places because McDonalds' ice cream machine was shut down and Dairy Queen wasn't open and finally we found a Burger King and then we stayed up until 2 in the morning watching Family Feud. Carol kept saying it was a YOLO. I kept hitting her for saying YOLO.

Monday, October 14, 2013


I'm spoiling you guys.

But I'm still avoiding that paper and candy crush was getting boring.

So Mariah and I are sitting here on her dorm room floor surrounded by papers and notebooks and calculators and empty cans of diet coke and her room is kind of a mess (mine is too) and we're not really talking except to complain about how much we have to get done and how long we've been putting off and then I was just like, 'huh'. So this is college. Well then.

After nearly a month and a half of college life this is what I would describe it as:
netflix, cheap food, staying up too late, caffeine overdoses, avoiding responsibility and adulthood, lots of crying.
The majority of us behave like toddlers at any given moment, throwing tantrums because we need a nap and eating things we shouldn't.
We get emotional about stupid things like being out of hot pockets and missing an episode of Grey's Anatomy.
We wait until we have absolutely nothing to wear and then finally do laundry every two weeks while wearing a swim suit as underwear and a pair of sweatpants with a hole in the butt.
College isn't glamorous. Most of us wear sweatpants at least five times a week, and we spend all of our free time asleep.
We're always thinking about food, but we can't afford to buy any.
Lunch is Cheerios straight out of the box and heating up a freezer meal is considered ambitious.
Forget about going out to dinner and a movie with your friends because you don't even have enough money to buy a new pair of socks.
We are the ones who are crying at 2am because we're so tired but have been putting off this Biology project for a month and it's considered a great accomplishment if we remember to put on deodorant.
This is college.


more distraction

Sitting with Mariah in her dorm. It's all grey and rainy outside and I love it. This is my favorite kind of weather. I don't know why. I like the gloom.

It was my incentive. I mean, Florida itself is an incentive but that part is my special part.
I'm going to get a specialized wand. And all of the other things I need for Hogwarts. My letter should be coming any day now. I know that I'm 19, but there was a little mix up and some girl in Albuquerque got my spot and it will all be rectified very soon.

I also realized that I wrote 'spring break' in the last post and it should be 'fall break' but I'm too lazy to go back and change the original post so I'm just writing a retraction now.

Okay. I really need to edit my English paper. It's the whole reason I'm on my laptop. YOU GUYS ARE DISTRACTING ME.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

I don't know how to title things

I have received many concerned text messages about the blood.

I'm debating on whether or not I should tell you or if I should just let this go on for a few more days....


Well, in other news, I have spring break in a week and I'm so excited because I will get to spend 4 days with Tank! I miss him so much.

Look! Here is is being super adorable. He has this new skill where sometimes if you throw a tennis ball he'll chase it down  the hill and then come sprinting back up with it, but then he won't give it back. But half the time he gets distracted by something that smells interesting and forgets the ball and then someone has to go down and get the ball. Also, he keeps rolling in deer poop. Dad is not thrilled with him.

But he's so freaking cute!
I love him.

SETH WAS HERE YESTERDAY. He flew in from Texas and he came to see me before his parents! I felt very special. And he told me that he's taking a ballroom dance class for a physical exercise credit and he showed me a few steps around the living room.

I totally sucked at it but he was very patient.

Okay. I'm going to tell you.

The "official story" is that someone dragged a garbage bag with hamburger blood in it down from the third floor. But there was WAY TOO MUCH BLOOD FOR THAT. Maybe if they had a whole dead cow in the bag...

I'm still sticking with murder.
They're doing a cover-up.
I can feel it.
