Well. Second post. I had stuff planned out to say, pre-planned topics and funny anecdotes and everything. And... now I can't remember any of them. Looks like I'm winging it.
Julia and I went on a lovely little outing yesterday. I had to see 42 (the new movie about Jackie Robinson) so that I can review it for newspaper (which I still need to write). We were driving down Center and right there on my left was Half Price Books, and I just screamed 'HOLD IT'. We flipped a U-ey, and there we were. I would just like to point out that Julia is an enabler. SHE IS A TOTAL ENABLER. SHE SHOULD PROBABLY NEVER LIVE WITH A CRACK ADDICT BECAUSE SHE MIGHT FINANCE THEIR ADDICTION. So...I came away with 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' (Hemmingway), and a biography called 'Brain On Fire: My Month Of Madness' (about this girl whose body is literally attacking her brain). I have a problem.
We got to the movie, and the internet was wrong so we had two hours to kill, so we went to Applebees. We're pretty sure the waiter though we were gay. It was awkward. THEN WE FINALLY GOT TO THE MOVIE. To be honest, it kind of made me ashamed to be white. We were super mean. And the whole time I was really worried that something was going to happen to his kid, all I could think was, "NOT THE BABY."
This is a really weird blog post. Why are you reading this? Is it as weird as I think it is? Probably.
Two days ago (Friday), was my LAST HIGH SCHOOL BAND CONCERT. EVER. LAST CONCERT EVER. I got to wear a fake mustache, because we didn't get out marching band Senior night, which I am still pretty bitter about (EIGHT YEARS OF DEDICATION AND ALL I WANT IS A SENIOR NIGHT WHERE I GET TO WEAR A FUNNY HAT) and I got to be recognized as a choir senior (even though I haven't been in choir since Freshman year, but I guess three years of dedicated showchoir accompaniment earned me a spot on the fake choir kid roster). YEAH.
It was sad, of course. But I don't want to talk about the sad part because this is supposed to be me being colorful and funny, and me being sad about my deep, heartfelt love and dedication to the Blair High School music program will only further to probably make me cry. *Sigh*
And on that thoroughly depressing not, I now have to attempt to write a review on this movie without saying anything about the shame of the Caucasain race. Good luck to me.
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