Sunday, August 25, 2013


Well guys. I'm here. I'm at college. I'm sitting on the couch in my living room watching Michigan St. and Iowa play football. (Michigan over Iowa. Any day)

I have survived my first 24 hours! WHOOP WHOOP.

Brief tour: I live in an apartment style dorm with three other girls.We each have our own bedroom and there are 2 bathrooms, so we share with one other person. (My bathroom-mate is named Nicole. If you'll remember, my name is also Nicole. Awkward.) We have a full kitchen, with an island, and a living room area as well. I'm very spoiled as far as college living is concerned.

The other Nicole (Called Niki) is the RA for our building, and a junior. The other two girls are freshmen like me (one of them is my cousin Carol) and so far, we see to be pretty okay together.

I haven't done anything really that exciting yet so I don't really have anything to tell you guys...
But classes start tomorrow, so maybe one of my buildings will catch on fire and I'll have a story for you. We can only hope.



  1. Amazing! I'm so excited for hard.

  2. Well nothing has changed your still spoiled! Remember I get the first copy signed. Take care talk to later (when you post again)ch
