Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Weather...

I should definitely be doing my French homework, but instead I'm going to blog about the weather.


MY LAST BOOK CAME TODAY! I skipped all the way into the house, then informed my mother that I would no longer be getting the mail everyday, because my final book has arrived and she just looked at me. I then suggested that they routinely order me books online, because this would motivate me to get the mail. For just $20 a month, they could have their own personal mail getter! She chose to decline my offer. Her loss.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice, Aquaman...

SO TODAY... over lunch Marinna (AREN'T YOU EXCITED? YOU SAID YOU WANTED YOUR NAME ON THE BLOG SO THERE YOU GO.) were talking about A and B personalities. We are both 'A's. This is how she described it: "We are very obsessive and addictive (by addictive she means WE are the ones who get addicted to things. Take me and books for example.) and CONTROLLING. Very controlling. In contrast, a 'B' personality is very go-with-the-flow, laid back, etc. I AM SO AN 'A'. SO TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY.

So, Sam (my little brother) (he's a Freshman) has developed this habit of taking EXCRUCIATINGLY LONG showers. Like half an hour to 45 minutes. REALLY LONG. And there's this weird thing in our upstairs bathrooms where the water pressure sucks. So I can't shower while he's shower. We now have to coordinate our shower schedules because Sam needs a solid block of time. HE'S A BOY. THIS SHOULD NOT BE A THING. Also, tonight my dad renamed him Aquaman, saying that water is his natural habitat. I will be dispensing with his given name from now on. Aquaman it is...

"Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice, Aquaman...."

Sometimes I am so funny that I crack myself up.

Then other times I say things that I don't think are funny at all, AND EVERYONE LAUGHS AT ME. Like the cereal water thing. I forgot the word for milk and called it cereal water. IS THAT REALLY SO FUNNY? Also my French class lives to mock me. I sometimes get really lost and ask a question that I actually want the answer to and they just burst out laughing. EXAMPLE: one class we spent most the block using the word 'dabord' (or at least I think that's what it was). Over and over and over it was d'abord, d'abord, d'abord.  And finally, after about an hour of this, I asked "What are we boarding?" Turns out it meant train. This was six months ago and THEY STILL WON'T LET IT GO.

I suppose that's my purpose in life. Entertainment.

Sorry I didn't manage to get arrested yet. Maybe by the next post. Anyone have any creative suggestions?


Monday, April 15, 2013

Cat Stories?

So at work today, Celeste (THAT IS YOUR SECOND SHOUT-OUT YOU ARE SO SPOILED) told me that it the post content doesn't really matter, as long as I post consistently. Personally, I think the content DOES matter. I mean, what if I just told funny stories about my cats for four paragraphs? That would suck. So I will attempt to post decently creative things at regular intervals. Bear with me please.

I will be posting some book rants VERY SOON. If you look up in the little bar above, you will find a little tab option called BOOK RANTS. That is where I will spill my intestines out for everyone to see in the form of completely and totally incoherent (OH MY GOODNESS SOMEHOW I BIT THE ROOF OF MY MOUTH AND IT HURTS REALLY BAD. I CAN TASTE BLOOD. THAT IS GROSS.) replays of books that I have read. There will probably be a lot of spoilers, so read at your own peril (DUSK.)


The U.S. Postal Service is spoiling me. Six days ago I ordered three books off of Amazon. One of them arrived four days ago, and another came today. You know how Amazon gives you a little range of when they say your package will arrive? It starts tomorrow. They're getting me into the habit of expecting my books to come early! They'd better keep this up. Otherwise I will get grumpy. AND YOU DON'T WANT ME TO BE GRUMPY. NO SIR. But I have 2 new book already! Yay! (Little happy dance jig)

I also think I'm going to make some kind of music tab. Or maybe I'll just say it in the post.
'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' (Pink Floyd cover), sung by Kendra Morris
'Battle Scars', by Guy Sebastian (I'm feeling the groove)

Well, that's all for today. This probably falls into the category of not-interesting-but-speedily-posted entries.
I'LL TRY TO GENERATE SOME BETTER STORIES. And if that means getting arrested... so be it.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Three Days and Not Much To Say (Ha! That Sort Of Rhymed)

Well. Second post. I had stuff planned out to say, pre-planned topics and funny anecdotes and everything. And... now I can't remember any of them. Looks like I'm winging it.
Julia and I went on a lovely little outing yesterday. I had to see 42 (the new movie about Jackie Robinson) so that I can review it for newspaper (which I still need to write). We were driving down Center and right there on my left was Half Price Books, and I just screamed 'HOLD IT'. We flipped a U-ey, and there we were. I would just like to point out that Julia is an enabler. SHE IS A TOTAL ENABLER. SHE SHOULD PROBABLY NEVER LIVE WITH A CRACK ADDICT BECAUSE SHE MIGHT FINANCE THEIR ADDICTION. So...I came away with 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' (Hemmingway), and a biography called 'Brain On Fire: My Month Of Madness' (about this girl whose body is literally attacking her brain). I have a problem.
We got to the movie, and the internet was wrong so we had two hours to kill, so we went to Applebees. We're pretty sure the waiter though we were gay. It was awkward. THEN WE FINALLY GOT TO THE MOVIE. To be honest, it kind of made me ashamed to be white. We were super mean. And the whole time I was really worried that something was going to happen to his kid, all I could think was, "NOT THE BABY."
This is a really weird blog post. Why are you reading this? Is it as weird as I think it is? Probably.
Two days ago (Friday), was my LAST HIGH SCHOOL BAND CONCERT. EVER. LAST CONCERT EVER. I got to wear a fake mustache, because we didn't get out marching band Senior night, which I am still pretty bitter about (EIGHT YEARS OF DEDICATION AND ALL I WANT IS A SENIOR NIGHT WHERE I GET TO WEAR A FUNNY HAT) and I got to be recognized as a choir senior (even though I haven't been in choir since Freshman year, but I guess three years of dedicated showchoir accompaniment earned me a spot on the fake choir kid roster). YEAH.
It was sad, of course. But I don't want to talk about the sad part because this is supposed to be me being colorful and funny, and me being sad about my deep, heartfelt love and dedication to the Blair High School music program will only further to probably make me cry. *Sigh*
And on that thoroughly depressing not, I now have to attempt to write a review on this movie without saying anything about the shame of the Caucasain race. Good luck to me.


Thursday, April 11, 2013


Well... This is the very first entry. Which is a little bit awkward. But I need to post something because I am trying to figure out how this site works, and whenever I click 'View Blog', the page is EMPTY. On another note, when it asked me to pick my 'layout design' or whatever, there was an option called AWESOME INC. So, OF COURSE I PICKED THAT ONE. Who doesn't want an Awesome Inc. blog? I hope this is some kind sign that this blog will be awesome, and by the transitive property I will also be awesome. I just used the words 'transitive property'. MAYBE FIFTH GRADE MATH REALLY WAS GOOD FOR SOMETHING. MAYBE THE TWELVE YEARS I'VE PUT INTO PUBLIC EDUCATION HAVE ACTUALLY MEANT SOMETHING. Excuse me, thirteen years. I always forget to count kindergarten.

ANYWAY, since this is the first entry, I should probably say a little something about myself, an explanation as it were, as to why I started this blog. So here it is:
I am currently a senior in high school and will soon be graduating, released into the great unknown like a guppy into the ocean. (Guppy = me, ocean = college). For the past year and a half I have been employed by my city's oh-so-lovely public library. (Really, it's lovely. I'm a total nerd. I love my job.) I take it upon myself to bring joy and happiness to my fellow coworkers, entertaining them with my exploits and shenanigans. (wow, it counted shenanigans as a real word, no underlined spell-check thing) SO, a few days ago, Celeste, (a coworker who I hope does not mind that her name is now publicly on my blog, RELEASED TO THE UNIVERSE.) told me that, and I quote, "my life was colorless before I met you." I took this as the utmost of  compliments and asked her whatever would she do once I am gone? She replied... "START A BLOG". So here I am, keeping this record of my days, solely for the entertainment of all of those who care to read it. I hope to offer you many chuckles in the coming months.

I'm trying to figure out how to end this post. It's my first post. A monumental event. THIS IS IMPORTANT. How I finish this will forever set the precedent for THE REST OF EVERY POST. I mean, I supposed I could probably change it in the future, you know, just re-edit or whatever. But that feels wrong. Immoral or something. Like I'm lying. So this is it. The big moment. I'm still stalling. This is really hard. WHY IS THIS SO HARD? I could go simple, and say something like 'Nicki out', but that doesn't really flow... or I could say something foreign and sophisticated, like 'Ciao', But that's not really the way I roll. I'VE GOT IT. PREPARE YOURSELF.
