Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Zombies, Run! Part 1


So this Zombie app was way more hardcore than I expected.

I started out in a helicopter and we were going to this little township surrounded by zombies. They didn't tell me why I was going there and it was all very mysterious. Then BAM. WE ARE SHOT OUT OF THE SKY BY A ROCKET LAUNCHER. WHAT?! I escape. (Of course.) but my pilot is not so lucky. I picked up a radio as I was running away and a guy with a sweet British accent starts talking to me, telling me how amazing it is that I survived and telling me where to run to. Oh yeah. And that the zombies are chasing me. He also alluded to the story of his girlfriend (runner 5) running out to the old field hospital and getting taken by the zombies. Then he decides to NAME ME RUNNER 5. AND SEND ME TO SWING BY THE FIELD HOSPITAL FOR SUPPLIES. DOESN'T THAT SITUATION SOUND ODDLY FAMILLIAR? Anyway, I picked up some stuff, and made it back to the base where I was met with guys with guns who shielded my entrance to the base. And APPARENTLY, I picked up some top secret document at the hospital that is possibly of vital importance but of course they couldn't tell me whether or not it was, so maybe I risked my life for the recipe to peanut butter. I guess I'll have to wait for my next run to find out. (Also the guys with guns killed the British guy(whose name is Sam)'s former-girlfriend-turned-zombie named Alice. It was pretty traumatic. Also there was a doctor named Meyers in there somewhere. I'll be sure to inform you of my progress as I continue....


Okay guys. So yesterday I downloaded an app called 'Zombies, Run!' It's supposed to be a workout app in which they tell you a story interspersed with your music and whenever zombies are chasing you, you have to speed up. And you can swerve different directions to get supplies and it looks really fun. So I'm trying it out tonight after class and I'll post again afterward. I'm very excited!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

First week


So... I'm almost done with week one of year one of COLLEGE. So far, it hasn't been too bad. Other than the fact that it's been in the upper 90's and most of my classes are all the way across campus and I'm really sweaty and disgusting by the time I get there, no complaints. Although, I figured out how to hook up my TV in my room, but so far I'm only getting 4 channels, so I'll have to work on that. BUT I'M CURRENTLY GETTING THE CHANNEL WITH GREEN BAY PLAYING THE CHIEFS. SO THAT'S ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS AT THE MOMENT. That and fixing my microsoft word.... Go Aaron Rogers! But Green Bay is currently behind and that makes me very sad... No microsoft word and my Packers are losing. This is a sad night.

Hm.... I'm really not sure what to talk about.... College isn't really super duper exciting yet. I kind of just stay in my dorm and complain about how tired I am and how it is outside and how I don't want to go be social because I'm so comfortable. Our room is on the first floor, first door on the left, because we're the RA room. So a lot of the time we'll leave our front door propped open with a brick in an attempt to look friendly and approachable. (So far it has just made our room really loud because you can hear everyone running up and down the stairs and coming into the building.) But a few days ago we left a cupcake that had been in our freezer for 2 days on the little thing you use to push the front door open, just to see what people would do. Mostly they just looked at it funny and then carefully opened the door, making sure not to knock off the cupcake. The RD took it a while later.

We get so bored.


Sunday, August 25, 2013


Well guys. I'm here. I'm at college. I'm sitting on the couch in my living room watching Michigan St. and Iowa play football. (Michigan over Iowa. Any day)

I have survived my first 24 hours! WHOOP WHOOP.

Brief tour: I live in an apartment style dorm with three other girls.We each have our own bedroom and there are 2 bathrooms, so we share with one other person. (My bathroom-mate is named Nicole. If you'll remember, my name is also Nicole. Awkward.) We have a full kitchen, with an island, and a living room area as well. I'm very spoiled as far as college living is concerned.

The other Nicole (Called Niki) is the RA for our building, and a junior. The other two girls are freshmen like me (one of them is my cousin Carol) and so far, we see to be pretty okay together.

I haven't done anything really that exciting yet so I don't really have anything to tell you guys...
But classes start tomorrow, so maybe one of my buildings will catch on fire and I'll have a story for you. We can only hope.


Friday, August 23, 2013





Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Three days

I don't like packing. I have so much stuff. This sucks.

So I move it of my parents house in three days and wow...this is weird. It feels weird. Scary. Really scary. Like bam, suddenly I'm responsible for myself and my future and I'm supposed to be figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life yet I'm not even allowed to rent a car. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT MY FAVORITE COLOR IS. I CAN ONLY COOK FOUR THINGS. And now I'm living on my own?! This just doesn't seem logical. But no matter what anybody thinks, it's happening. In three days it's happening and I will be independent. Well, as independent as one can be when living 23 miles away from helicopter parents. (Love you mom am dad!)


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oh the horrors

So tonight at work (library) I head over to the JNF section (juvenile non-fiction) to find the very heart of my darkest nightmares come to life. Some kids (more along the lines of the devil incarnate) have DESTROYED it. And when I say 'destroyed' I don't mean like three books are out of place (that's probably what you all think librarians mean when they say destroyed).


I mean they have taken entire shelves of books and mashed them together then shoved them back onto the shelves in jumbled masses, upside down, open, completely out of order, spilling out onto the floor. It was madness. I looked at it, then looked up the ceiling and prayed for God to take me right then and spare me from having to clean up this.

It took me an hour.

You're welcome, Dusk!
Also, shout out to Dusk's husband and his resplendent beard for reading my blog every night.
(I told Celeste I would use resplendent in this post.)
