Thursday, February 20, 2014


So we have this Canadian friend. He's from Canada, but he's lived in the U.S. for most of his life, yet he still is very patriotic to his birth land. We're currently watching the women's hockey final with him. He calls them "his girls" and knows all of their names and what they're good at and it would be kind of adorable if I didn't want the Canadians to lose so spectacularly. I WANT TO RUB IT IN HIS FACE SO BADLY. We've already been making fun of him for the ice dancing situation. I JUST WANT US TO WIN AND THEREBY DESTROY HIS HOPES AND DREAMS. Although apparently the U.S. is his second favorite country and if there's no Canada option he roots for us.

The Olympics create such an interesting dynamic. For two weeks the levels of patriotism SKYROCKET. For these two weeks we are united. We are so proud of ourselves and our number of medals and rubbing it in every other country's face. And then we go back to complaining about our government and hating Congress, etc. etc. But for two weeks AMERICA IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Though I find it interesting that we are currently leading in number of medals, but not gold medals. We're quantity over quality. Which is sort of the definition of the United States.

But for now,



Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14

Valentine's day. I spent it in a high school with a bunch of teenagers, crushing their dreams. Very romantic.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


School is really busy right now. I'm basically either in class, doing homework, or sleeping. I'm actually half asleep right now, to be honest. So if this post is a little bit weird and completely unorganized, that's because I'm basically asleep.

I'M JUDGING SO MANY SPEECH MEETS. But I like money so that's okay.

I honestly have no idea what to type right now. I'm so tired. I'm going to nap. When I wake up maybe you'll get a real blog post. Maybe.


Thursday, January 30, 2014



So I'm sitting in the lounge at ASH, with another hour and half before my next class, but there's no way I'm going back to the dorm because it's all the way across campus and I'm lazy and it's so not worth it. So I just hang out here and pretend to do homework while really I don't do homework.

I'm going home this weekend! I want to watch the Superbowl with the fam. And I miss my dog. I was originally going to go home on Thursday night but then I got called up to judge a speech meet at Millard West. Now my dad is guilting my with my dog. He keeps saying that Tank is expecting me on Thursday and that he's very emotional. He even sent me a picture in which Tank actually looks disappointed. (My dad managed to make a puppy look disappointed. I don't know how he did that.)

I HAVE SO MANY BOOKS I NEED TO REVIEW. My kindle was a great investment. Well, my parents bought it. But it was a great investment in ink to write on my Christmas list so that they would know to buy it. I've been reading SO MUCH. It's fabulous. And I have lot's of books to ruin for you. I'm terrible with spoilers. I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW EVERYTHING SO THEY CAN BE AS HORRIFIED AND EXCITED AS I AM.

URG. My life isn't interesting! Or maybe it is and I'm actually a secret spy doing missions for the government but I'm not allowed to tell you that so instead I just pretend I'm an average college girl while really I'm currently in Europe trying to stop a diamond heist....


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The essence of power

I just got out of my debate class.
And oh. my. goodness.
One of the groups did their debate on who was the better actress in 'American Hustle'. (Amy Adams or Jennifer Lawrence) And it was the funniest thing I have seen all week.
My favorite line was probably "trying to squeeze the last bit out of her toothpaste tube of talent" (describing Amy Adams). It's probably not funny to you guys, but just know that it was the weirdest, most hilarious debate I have ever seen. If the presidential debates were more like that one then maybe people would actually show an interest in politics.

That was actually really fun. I HAD SO MUCH POWER. THEY WERE AT MY MERCY. I WAS THE SCARIEST PERSON IN THE ROOM as opposed to being the most scared person in the room.
THEY EVEN HAD TO ASK MY PERMISSION TO LEAVE. They had to say, "may I be excused?" And I had the choice to say NO! I never did of course, because there was no reason to make them stay, BUT I STILL HAD THE OPTION.
The power trip definitely went to my head. I even got to judge finals at one of them and that was really cool. I may or may not be judging again this Friday, depending on if they need me. My ego is continuously inflated every round I judge. Every kid that waits for me to start the stopwatch. Every request to leave the room. Every offer to go and get me another score sheet because I wasn't given enough.
I wonder if this is what God feels like.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

I've got nothing

So, crazy development, I kind of have a social life! And that leads to me not posting. But I'm trying to fix that. I promise. And by fix that, I mean I'll post more.  And if that doesn't work, I'll have to destroy the social life that I have spent the last six months cultivating.
This weekend should be a little crazy because I'm judging two speech meets, one in Fremont, and one in Columbus. Cousin Carol and I are going together. It's going to be fun! This time I get to be the judge they're all scared of and I have all-powerful stopwatch and the score sheets which could make or break their future! They will be at my mercy! And I get to wear jeans while they all have to wear suits.
This could go to my head.

So my friend Mary and I are starting to watch Grey's Anatomy. From the beginning. Season one. As many of you know, I am already a very dedicated Grey's fan and have seen every episode at least three times which means I know exactly what is going to happen at all times and so all I do is stare at Mary as I wait for her reaction to whatever dramatic event is going on. She says its really weird.

I'm currently sitting in the ASH lounge with my debate partner, pretending to be working on my debate while actually writing this blog post. I OWE IT TO MY FANS.

I have this really weird pain in my back whenever I breathe out. Strange.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Semester.

I deeply apologize for going completely radio silent.
Second semester has just begun and I'm doing all of the fun stuff that goes with that, i.e. getting all my books, feeling out the teaching styles, and the worst: attempting to readjust my sleeping schedule. Ugh.

Not right now, because I'm currently sitting in the ASH lounge area and my laptop is dangerously close to dying. So I have to make this fast.
I DON'T HAVE CLASS ON FRIDAYS. And that's tomorrow. So you will definitely get a lengthy post tomorrow. Unless I forget. Which is a distinct possibility.
